- Categories
- A - Stems and Cartridges
- B - Seats
- C - Handles
- D - Tubular
- E - Escutcheons
- F - Flexible Supplies & Fittings
- G - Tank Trim
- H - Fill Valves-Parts-Flushmate
- I - Snakes
- J - Tub Trim
- K - Shower & Bath Trim
- L - Fixtures
- M - Bowl Trim
- N - Tub Drains
- O - Washers-Clamps-Couplings
- P - Faucets & Shower Bodies
- Q - Spouts
- R - Flush Valves
- S - Valves
- T - Tools
- U - Compounds & Cleaners
- V - Strainers & Pop-Ups
- W - Packing-Misc.-Gas Connectors-Steam-Vents
- X - Nipples & Fittings
- Y - Pumps & Heating Elements
- Z - Sprinklers, NYCFD, Plugs, and Hardware
K - Shower & Bath Trim
2" CP Balljoint Shower Head
KD-203-15CP Earth Adjustable Shower Head 1.5 GPM
KD-203-15WHWhite Earth Adjustable Shower Head 1.5 GPM
KD-203-20CP Earth Adjustable Shower Head 2.0 GPM
KD-203-20WHWhite Earth Adjustable Shower Head 2.0 GPM
KD-203RChatham Shower Head 1.75 GPM
KD-203TVShowerStart CP Thermostatic SO Valve
KD-205-101/2" x 10" CP Brass Shower Arm
KD-205-901/2" x 10" 90 CP Brass Shower Arm
KD-205-921/2" x 12" 90 CP Brass Shower Arm
KD-2061/2" Shower Arm Escutcheon
KD-208CCP Curved Shower Bar w/Brackets
KD-210100' Roll Beaded Chain
KD-211Bead Coupling Type "B"
KD-212Bead Coupling Type "A"
KD-213Toilet Tissue Roller
KD-21424" Spring Towel Bar Clear
KD-221CP Toilet Paper Roller
KD-237CP Shower Bar Flange, Pr.
KD-241CP Tumbler/ToothBrush Holder
KD-246CP Soap Holder